Stealth Drop. Follow us on Twitter for more information.
verbs Road Map
The unique road map.

We want an interactive experience with a few surprises along the way. We call each step "Events". These won't have specific dates for launch.

Let's make this an experience.

Our main goal is to make this a unique experience. First, we will divide the drops in 6 Stages. Each stage represents a language, the first being "English". After that language sells out, the next stage is announced until all 6 stages are completed. After complete sell out, we want to start creating value for all holders. We will start our first "Burn" event with 2 Verbs, where the deflationary mechanism will begin potentially reducing the supply from 6000, to 3000. This event will be available forever until every Verb is burned. All Verbs can be burned with other Verbs no matter what language or rarity it is.

After this event is kicked off, we will hold our first airdrop event. This will be a collaboration with other NFT artists in the space. This airdrop event will not affect supply as it will be a secondary collection.

Our next event will be a secret event. In order to get everyone excited for our next burn event, we will have an awesome secret event that will affect all holders.

Our last event for our first roadmap will be our amazing 3+ Verb Burn event. This event will be available forever until every verb is burned. All Verbs can be burned with other Verbs no matter what language it is. This event could potentially reduce the supply from 3000, to 1000. A percentage of all royalties will be used to donate to charities.  

But will a 3 Verb Combination be more scarce than 1 Verb or a 2 Verb Combination? Will a 2 Verb Combination have benefits other combinations don’t? Will 1 Verb get even more valuable as a new road map favors them over other Generations? Will having a full set "un-burned" benefit in anyway? Only time will tell. Or will it?

Game theory
is the most incredible and fun part of this project. A full burn could never happen as the community decides what "combination" is more valuable as the supply is constantly reduced. The seventh language does not have the same verbs as the rest. This means the "full set" would be 6 languages from any of the "common" to "unique" rarities. one thing is clear, getting to a "full set combination" of just ONE verb in all 6 languages will NOT be easy and in some cases impossible.

Surprise events like special drops and collaborations will happen randomly throughout the road map without it being written or posted here on the official roadmap.

This first road map won't be our last. We want long term holders to be continually rewarded without affecting supply or value. We can't wait to kick this off. WGMI.

Read more about the project
Event 1
6 Stage Drop

Each stage represents a language. Once a stage sells out, the next one is announced. After all 6 stages are complete, the burn event will be announced.

Event 2
Burn (2 Verbs)

The collection will become deflationary as you will now get the option to burn two tokens for a 2 Verb NFT. Think carefully about your next steps.

Event 3

The bckgrnd team will team up with amazing artists to release free (+ Gas) drops to all holders. All holders will receive an NFT from our future projects.

Event 4
Secret Event

Shh... This event will affect all holders. We want all bckgrnd holders to have a awesome experience, online and offline. That's all we can say for now.

Event 5
Burn (3+ Verbs)

The collection will become even more deflationary as you will now get the option to burn 3 Verbs or more. 6 Tokens will be the maximum burned tokens for a completed set.

Event 6
Road Map 2.0

So much more to come.